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Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-7060-400-6

Based on a series of talks in Pondicherry

Soft Cover
Pages: 426
Dimensions (in cms): 14x22

16,00 *

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innerhalb 3-21 Tagen lieferbar

Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-903346-1-7

Essays on Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - The Book of Yoga

Soft Cover, 178 pp.

12,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-7060-159-3

Taschenbuch, 119 Seiten

This book is an introduction to Sri Aurobindo‘s contribution to the study of Sanskrit language and literature. It provides an overview of his insights into the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the epics of classical Sanskrit literature and also includes his own original writings in Sanskrit and selections from his translations of Sanskrit texts into English.

10,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-85853-12-3

Soft Cover, 252 pp.

This book is part of a series that presents selections from some of Dr Madhusudan Reddy’s works. The author expands on Sri Aurobindo’s insights into Vedic terminology and the power of the Creative Word. Dr Reddy expatiates on Word, speech, sound, philology, and linguistics to further our understanding of the Vedic mantras and of Savitri.

14,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-93-85391-06-4

Soft Cover, 204 pp.

18,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-93-80761-38-1

Soft Cover, 232 pp.

16,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-93-82474-28-9

Compiled by Shraddhavan

Soft Cover
Pages: 67
Dimensions (in cms): 14x21

8,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-7509-144-3

Soft Cover, Pages: 275, Dimensions (in cms): 14x22

Epigrams in Savitri with Commentaries – M. P. PANDIT

20,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-7058-839-9

Soft Cover, 471 Seiten

The 83-line opening passage from Savitri, „The Book of Fate“, which announces and describes the arrival of the sage Narad at Aswapati‘s palace.

12,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-7060-183-8

Soft Cover, 288 pp.

8,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 81-7060-036-7

1989, 86 pp.

6,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-7509-108-5

Soft Cover, 105 Seiten

An outline of the epic that includes Aswapathy’s journey, the birth of Savitri and her battle with the lord of Death.

Alter Preis 6,00 €
3,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 81-7058-656-9

Soft Cover, 92 pp.

8,00 *

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Artikel-Nr.: 978-81-7058-628-9

Soft Cover, 40 Seiten

This book introduces the reader to the thematic richness and complexity of the poem.

5,00 *

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61 - 74 von 74 Ergebnissen